Climbing a Mountain Inspires a Ginormous Act of Kindness

Killing Kilimanjaro, Vern Jones and his family successfully scaled the 4,900-meter mountain in Tanzania, Africa with a little help from a local guide.

Jones noticed two things during his journey up the mountainside. First, his guide had scaled the mountain in tennis shoes adding another layer of danger to an already unsafe job. After asking more questions, Jones also learned his guide made less than $10 per hour.

Secondly, he and his family wanted some sort of memento to mark the occasion once they arrived at the top. However, merchandise was not available. His solution, he founded Kili Summit Club, joining the market place of socially conscious companies.

Kili Summit Club is a place where people share pictures and stories of their climb, but can also buy merchandise like cups, t-shirts, and jackets (also known as bragging gear). The proceeds go to porters and guides, allowing them access to better equipment and pay.

“Everyone who attempts this challenge knows the value of the incredible men from Tanzania who lead us up the mountain, carry our supplies, prepare our food, provide medical assistance, and sing encouragement for us every step of the climb. We know that no successful summit would be possible without their assistance, support and companionship.”
Vern Jones saw a need in society and applied is knowledge and skills to find a solution and we applaud him!
TrikleTrade is a pay it forward site and we encourage our members to utilize their talents to give forward just like Vern Jones. Each action, whether big or small, makes a difference.

If you’re inspired by this story and want to be a part of a network of people paying it forward, join today!


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