The Benefits of Being Kind to Others

The world is not full of bad people. There are quite a few who perform simple acts of kindness to benefit others. In fact, these random acts of kindness that they perform also benefit their own overall health, with or without their knowledge. These are so simple; you can do them too. It is these acts, that add up to your goodwill, which is more contagious than just smiling at the people you see on the street. These are not just random acts, but go a long way in helping you develop a habit of sharing your kindness that has a lot of nurturing as well as healing power.

Acts of Kindness Are Ageless

Mr. Jacobs, an 80 odd year old man, is a volunteer at a local community college study room, where he helps out students with business math. He has worked in the banking industry for forty years, which helps him tutor students well. The college doesn’t pay him; he simply does it on his own. He says this keeps him younger and sharper. This is something he chose as he did not want to sit idle and do nothing throughout his retired life.  This is what he has to say….

“As per my doctor, an active life gives meaning or purpose to life which is why I chose to tutor. My late wife used to volunteer her time tutoring foreign students and helping them learn English. She took pride when they progressed to the next level. I have felt the same kind of pride and happiness when I have visited the college graduation ceremonies of my students. In fact, some of them have bagged excellent jobs on the Wall Street.”

There are some people who feel like helping others during festive seasons of the year.  There are the others who participate in acts of kindness during the entire year.

There are Random Acts of Kindness groups all over the world. Such groups connect organizations and people to help one another. They take up many projects such as:

•    Building ramps to help wheelchair-bound people
•    Offering food to people living at local shelters
•    Distributing gifts among the homeless on the occasion of festivals such as Christmas
•    Preparing sandwiches and giving them to the homeless

These are a few simple acts of kindness that seem powerful enough in today’s world.

You are helping yourself by helping others

Leah Byrd from Dallas, Texas, makes time to help people. She says, “I help people because I know how people feel when they are in need. I have been through this situation when I moved into this town. I had no money to buy clothes to wear for interviews. I saved little by little and somehow made ends meet. A few wise decisions and steps have brought me to where I am now. I feel it is my responsibility to help others.”

As per Leah, it doesn’t take too much to help others. All it takes is a will to help. So far she has worked towards…

•    Collecting school supplies for homeless children

•    Reupholstering furniture and helpingpaint homes and make curtainsfor people who wish to move from shelters into homes through an organization called “Dwell with dignity”

She says if you have a will to help, you can do so even if you are low on money.

There are many benefits to helping others

•    It helps you connect with like-minded people, make great friends and increase your network.
•    It improves your communication and social interactive skills
•    You can even volunteer as a family and train your children to do these simple acts of kindness that will benefit them once they grow up.
•    It improves your physical as well as mental health by:
  o Improving your self-confidence
  o Providing your life with a purpose
  o Combating depression
  o Dealing with stress and anxiety
•    Keeping you fit as you do environmental projects at beaches, parks and nature reserves
•    It keeps you happy and makes everyone around you happy
•    It can help enhance your career
•    It can help you develop skills that will seem valuable at job
•    It brings fulfillment to your life along with a whole lot of fun

You can choose to volunteer in the areas that match your interests. It is not necessary for you to put in a lot of time and efforts into volunteering. You can do this during your leisure time like a hobby that is fun and rewarding. The healing effects or benefits of these simple acts of kindness can’t actually be measured through tests; yet you do find them and in an unlimited way.

Help others as much as you can and enjoy as you do so!


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