Couple Returns and Pays Forward Clothing to the Organization that Got Them On Their Feet

Paying it forward can happen at any time and for any reason. Perhaps you feel inspired to give spontaneously or perhaps you were given something meaningful and want to share the experience with someone else by doing the same. No matter your intention, paying it forward has a profound impact on those involved and those who witness. Take the following story from this months TrikleTrade Pay it Forward Stories Series:

Mark Redmond is the director of a nonprofit organization caring for homeless and runaway teenagers in Burlington, Vermont.

On one of Mark’s days off he dropped by his office to grab mail. When Mark arrived he saw a young man in the front entrance waiting for the receptionist to return. Although Mark was tempted to commit to his free time and continue on his way, he stopped to ask if the young man needed help.

The young man said, “Yes, I would like to donate some clothing.” and lifted up a brown paper bag, revealing a young woman standing by the young man’s side.

As Mark had the woman fill out some paper work in order to thank the couple with a follow-up letter he learned they both had been homeless several years back and had participated in the organization’s program. The couple had met at the nonprofit, fell in love, and then married. Now they were returning to pay it forward.

This small act of kindness from the couple had a profound impact on Mark, who says he thinks about them often.

Do you have an item or a talent you’ve wanted to share with your community but haven’t yet? Offer your gift and get the pay it forward ball rolling by creating a post at We have three community values: be kind, no money gifted only items and services, and if you receive something pay something forward to another Trikle Trade member when the time is right.

It’s free, easy, and we’ll make sure everyone’s small acts of kindness are found within our network. Here’s to an awesome pay it forward, this day and the next!

To read more about Mark, the nonprofits mission, and the full kindness story click here.


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