Pay It Forward Day 2017

We’re still reeling from all the action on April 28th, Pay it Forward Day, with over 80 countries and over 100 state and cities who participated. Between everyone, that’s a lot of kind action rippling across the globe!

In case you missed it, it’s not too late to participate. Do something positive in your community or offer something (a good or service) on TrikleTrade. If you don’t quite understand how TrikleTrade operates or need some simple acts of kindness ideas, check
out the first of our Pay it Forward Stories Series below (more kindness stories coming soon):

Emilia Flores owns The Taco Stop in Dallas, Texas, known for their delicious tacos. However, Emilia wanted to contribute more. She had noticed a few other locations around town offering community support to those in need and became inspired to get involved.

Winter was just around the corner, so Emilia decided to place a coat rack outside her shop with a sign: ‘Are you cold? Take one. Do you want to help? Leave one.’ 

Quite quickly community members, including a retired Marine, began leaving jackets. As many coats were given, many were also well received. Emilia proves it only takes one person, an idea, and small acts of kindness to bring warmth to a community.

Well-done Emilia! If you’re inspired by this story and want to leave a jacket of your own, we’re similar to Emilia’s coat rack, post your jacket or any other good or service on It’s free, easy, and we’ll make sure everyone’s small acts of kindness are seen. Here’s to an awesome Pay it Forward Day and paying it forward 365 days out of the year!


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